This innovative pedometer will actually speak the distance you have walked, the number of steps you have taken, and the total number of calories burned, as well as having a standard clock function with alarm. It is completely customizable for the individual who is using it. Simply enter your step length and weight, and the calories burned and distance calculations are personally computed for you.
Also included is a pacer function, which changes the tempo of a melody based on your walking or jogging speed. The built-in back light ensures easy reading in any light condition. It includes a battery and belt clip, so you can be out walking to better health in no time flat!
Quote from Secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy Thompson: "I have a pedometer that I hand out to a lot of individuals to register how many steps I take each and every day, and it has become an addiction! I check throughout the day how many steps I've done, and if I am not close to my 10,000 steps, I decide to walk up the steps instead of taking the elevator, and at the end of the day I walk around the blocks to make sure that I have reached my goal of 10,000 steps today. I just looked at my pedometer and I have 6,284 steps today, which means I will have 4,715 steps to take before I finish the day"
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