We have updated our online store to better serve you!
We feature industry standard secure data encryption to protect your sensitive personal data while using our store.
To place an order for an item, first go to the page that is about the item. Then scroll down to the bottom, and you will find a link that will allow you to order that item, along with a smaller picture of it. Simply click on it, and it will be entered in your shopping cart.
To change the quantity ordered, simply delete the old quantity shown and enter a new one. Make sure to hit the recalculate button to see the updated total cost and shipping and handling charges.
To remove an item from your cart, simply enter a quantity of zero and hit the recalculate button.
After your order has been placed, we will attempt process it on the next business day. If there is a problem with the order, we will contact you via email describing the problem, and how to correct it. If we do not hear back from you within a period of one month from the date the order is placed, the order will be deleted, and you will have to place a new order.
Please refer to our Site Information Page for more information on our policies and other site information. If you have any questions about ordering, please contact us, webmaster@nu-temp.com